Monday, April 6, 2015

Lodge Weekly Events

Good morning everyone.  Hope you all had a Happy Easter yesterday.  This week is going to be busy, in fact, this entire month is going to be very, very busy and your support and participation is greatly appreciated.  We have several fun events planned and could use your help in volunteering and more importantly participating at some of these events.  Please say a prayer today for Jessica Wharton. Our bartender is having major back surgery.  
Paulette Lathan will be hosting a Craft/Garage Sale on May 9th (Tables are $20.00 or two for $35.00).  You can sell your crafts or items around the house you need to get rid of.  You keep your sales proceeds or you can donate stuff to be sold to benefit the Lodge.  Please call Paulette at 214-646-7778 to reserve a table.  

Paulette will also be hosting a Casino Bus Trip on June 6th ($25.00 which includes a light breakfast at the Lodge).  We depart from the Lodge around8:30 a.m. and return around 6:00 p.m.  This is going to sell out fast, so please make your reservations now.  (More Details to Follow As We Know Them).

This Friday, there is an award winning Country/Western Band called the Jon Beaumont band that will be at the Lodge from 7:00 - 11:00 on Friday night. Jon's band just recently opened for Martina McBride and they are regulars at Southern Junction, Ranch House and the Stockyards.  Don't miss out.  $10.00 is all it costs for you to enjoy GREAT music and dance the night away.  The ballroom will be smoke free, so come on down and have a great time.  We will have burger baskets on hand for $6.00.  If we can get 60 of our members to come down and spend $20.00, we can have a huge night.  Let's Do It.  There are already 88 RSVP's on social media. 
Social Quarters Open Daily at 4:00 (except Sundays)
Wednesdays and Thursdays are Beer and Burger Specials

Tuesday:           7:00 Special BOD Meeting to finalize budget
Wednesday:      7:00 - Game Night (bring $10.00 gift card)
Friday:              7:00 - Jon Beaumont C&W Band
                                  Burger Night (no steaks due to large crowd)
Saturday:          8:00 AM - MAJOR LODGE CLEAN-UP (help needed)
                        10:00 AM - Noon - COOL Kids
                        12:00 - 3:00 - MAJOR LODGE CLEAN-UP (help needed)
                         4:00 - 11:00 - Private Room Rental

Also, please remember Interlodge is in Mesquite on April 18th and 19th. We need to try and get 30 people there on Saturday Night and Sunday Morning so we can take the travelling trophy away from Marshall.  All Officers and House Committee Members are required to be there on Saturday morning from 9:00 - 12:00 for mandatory training.

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